Singapore Journal of Scientific Researech (SJSR)

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Singaporean Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR)
ISSN (Online): 1205-2421
Frequency: Monthly
Indexing: Scopus, Master List-Index Copernicus, Google Scholar and many more...
Editor in Chief(s): Prof.BAEK, In Gyun(Singapore) Prof.Dr.G.Ramesh(India)

Singaporean Journals

The monthly published Singaporean Journals (ISSN: 1205-2421) target research and review articles from diverse science and technology fields. The Special Issues under the umbrella of Singaporean Journals cover the foremost scientific peer reviewed journal encompassing diverse fields related to the cutting-edge technological advances in both academic and industrial arenas.

The following Special Issues are covered under Singaporean Journals:

aligned to the right

  1. Journal of Selected Areas in Telecommunications (JSAT)

  2. Journal of Selected Areas in Software Engineering (JSSE)

  3. Journal of Selected Areas in Microelectronics (JSAM)

  4. Journal of Selected Areas in Nanotechnology (JSAN)

  5. Journal of Selected Areas in Mechatronics (JMTC)

  6. Journal of Selected Areas in Health Informatics (JSHI)

  7. Journal of Selected Areas in Bioengineering (JSAB)

  8. Journal of Selected Areas in Bioinformatics (JBIO)

  9. Journal of Selected Areas in Robotics and Control (JSRC)

  10. Journal of Selected Areas in Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE)

  11. International Journal of Collaborative Contributions (IJCC)

  12. An International Journal (AMIJ)

  13. Geoinformatica - An International Journal (GIIJ)

  14. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems (IJAE)

  15. International Journal of Applied Sciences (IJAS)

  16. International Journal of Business Research and Management (IJBRM)

  17. International Journal of Computational Linguistics(IJCL)

  18. International Journal of Data Engineering (IJDE)

  19. International Journal of Engineering (IJE)

  20. International Journal of Experimental Algorithms (IJEA)

  21. International Journal of Ergonomics (IJEG)

  22. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction (IJHCI)

  23. International Journal of Logic and Computation (IJLP)

  24. International Journal of Robotics and Automation (IJRA)

  25. International Journal of Security (IJS)

  26. International Journal of Software Engineering (IJSE)

  27. Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS)

  28. International Journal of Ubiquitous Computing (IJUC)

  29. Innovative Studies: International Journal (ISIJ)

  30. Journal of Selected Areas in Robotics and Control (JSARC)

  31. Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies: An International Journal (NIJ)

  32. IJCN Special Issue - Data Management and Network Control in Wireless Networks (SICN)

  33. Signal Processing: An International Journal (SPIJ)