Singapore Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR)

Aims and Scopes

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The aims and scopes have been captured in a number of Special Issues covered under Singapore Journal of Scientific Research(SJSR), including variety of selected areas in: Telecommunications (JSAT)
Software Engineering (JSSE)
VLSI and Microelectronics (JSAM)
Nanotechnology (JSAN)
Mechatronics (JMTC)
Health Informatics (JSHI)
Bioengineering (JSAB)
Bioinformatics (JBIO)
Robotics and Control (JSRC)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JRSE)
and Collaborative Contributions (IJCC)
Electronics And Communication
Electrical And Electronics Engineering
Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Fundamental And Applied Science Engineering
Material Science And Engineering
Additive Manufacturing
Machine Learning
Animal Science
Mechatronic Systems
Applied Physics Materials characterization Computational materials science and Engineering
Artifical Intelligence Mechanical Engineering
Biology Mechanical Forming Processes
Biomedical Engineering
Mechatronic Systems
Biotechnology Mobile Computing
Chemical Engineering
Multi Criteria Decison Making Technics
Cloud Computing Network Technologies
Composites and Hybrid Materials
New Materials and Applications Corrosion and High Temperature Protection
New trends in management production Civil Engineering
Economic & Environmental Issues in Materials Selection
PM Structural Parts Electrical Engineering
Powder Injection Moulding
Embedded Systems
Powder Metallurgy
Food Engineering
Renewable Energy Systems
Hard Materials and Diamond Tools
Solidification and Casting
Heat Treatment Surface Treatment
Hot Isostatic Pressing
Veterinary Sciences
Internet of Things
Internet Technologies
Wastewater Treatment Technologies
Light Metals and Alloys
Welding and Joining Processes

For specific details under each special issue, please refer to the main page for more details.